Activity type/Sector
Publication type

Стратегический интернет
Telecommunications , Sectoral analytics
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 14.06.2012

Microsoft: a dinosaur or a profitable investment?
Telecommunications , Sectoral analytics, Security systems, Investments, business, society
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 19.04.2012

«Большая тройка» отчиталась за 2011 год
Investments, business, society , Sectoral analytics, Telecommunications
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 08.04.2012

Знакомьтесь: Жан-Батист Эммануэль Триггер
Investments, business, society , Sectoral analytics, Telecommunications
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 04.04.2012

И снова догоним и перегоним!
Telecommunications , Sectoral analytics, Investments, business, society
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 18.07.2011

Gadget Wars. The Phantom Menace
Telecommunications , Sectoral analytics, Investments, business, society
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 01.06.2011

The One for All
Telecommunications , Sectoral analytics, Investments, business, society
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 22.03.2011

Trends of 2010 in foreign media. Parallels with Russia
Telecommunications , Sectoral analytics
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 13.01.2011

«CNews» и «Ростелеком»: анализ взаимозависимости
Telecommunications , Sectoral analytics
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 31.03.2010

Публикации «КоммерсантЪ» и котировки «Ростелеком»: корреляционный анализ
Investments, business, society , Sectoral analytics, Telecommunications
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 17.02.2010

Год под знаком …
Telecommunications , Sectoral analytics
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 18.01.2009

Почти итоги года
Telecommunications , Sectoral analytics
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 01.12.2009

Ответная реакция потребителя: 2:0 в пользу «гражданского общества»
Telecommunications , Sectoral analytics
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 01.12.2009

Будет в России и WiMax, и 3G, и четвертый федеральный сотовый оператор
Telecommunications , Sectoral analytics
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 01.12.2009

Время собирать операторов
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 18.11.2009

Finnish telecommuncations take the bun again
Telecommunications , Sectoral analytics
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 03.10.09

Svyazinvest s investment prospects
Investments, business, society , Telecommunications
Our publications
Expert in financial institutions , Expert in telecommunications
Date: 27.08.2009

Finnish-Russian version of Skype: everything is not that bad
Telecommunications , Sectoral analytics
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 01.08.2009

Под защитой TETRA
Telecommunications , Sectoral analytics
Our publications
Expert in telecommunications
Date: 11.06.2008

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